Bat Shit Crazy
Conceptual Book Design
"We do not admire what we cannot understand."
Marianne Moore
Marianne Moore
An Ode to Bats
You know what's bat-shit crazy? The fact that one of the most sophisticated creatures to grace this earth holds such a bad reputation! Cornered by folklore, myths, and popular culture as evil, bloodsucking monsters, creatures of the devil, harbingers of death, bats have become synonymous with all that’s dangerous and terrifying about the dark. This passion project, Bat Shit Crazy, serves as a compelling visual narrative aimed at confronting these misconceptions head-on and presenting a more accurate and nuanced portrait of these sophisticated creatures.
You know what's bat-shit crazy? The fact that one of the most sophisticated creatures to grace this earth holds such a bad reputation! Cornered by folklore, myths, and popular culture as evil, bloodsucking monsters, creatures of the devil, harbingers of death, bats have become synonymous with all that’s dangerous and terrifying about the dark. This passion project, Bat Shit Crazy, serves as a compelling visual narrative aimed at confronting these misconceptions head-on and presenting a more accurate and nuanced portrait of these sophisticated creatures.

While some of these myths may be based on fact, many are false or grossly exaggerate the truth. Through carefully curated content and engaging design, the book weaves together lesser-known facts about bats with a selection of ancient and modern cultural references. Bats are bad-ass! They are an altogether gentler part of our wildlife, working as pollinators and pest controllers, making them vital to our biodiversity and ecological balance.

The design approach balances informative content with visually striking elements, creating an immersive experience that both educates and captivates. The book's design mirrors its subject's uniqueness, with content hanging in a line like roosting bats, images playfully laid upside down, and whimsical illustrations sprinkling levity throughout. The chapter pages feature sections of Emily Dickinson's poem "The Bat," arranged to mimic echolocation waves.

Bat Shit Crazy goes beyond mere information; it's a call to action against the 'public blindness' surrounding bats' natural history, ecology, and conservation needs. By weaving together lesser-known facts about bats with cultural references, the book aims to transform fear and misunderstanding into appreciation and fascination.